Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Wisemen Legion

I hope that I am not the only one who has a nose fine tuned to sniff out bullshit. A mere few weeks ago, Rick and Mike were the best of friends. Rick touted him as the king of Urban Exploration and was a guest on his now live show. The two of them were even supposedly running for president and vice president. These guys are politicians and that should tell us something right there. Neither can be trusted. I believe the most important question remains.. just what does this mean for the big presidential campaign? The country wants to know. I couldn’t see Rick sitting in the White House, even if he would only be there for the free rent. After one day on the job…the operative word being “job,” Rick would resign after he realized that it entails much more than smoking pot and screwing interns.

In my opinion, this is all smoke an mirrors. Mike is straddling both sides of the fence, this time trying to look the part of a Wiseman, probably so that he can get “insider information” and help Rick “expose” your true identities. Sure, I welcome Mike here, but know that I will always keep him at a distance.

Before I go any further, let me make it clear that Rick never did find out who I am. I am not Synthia,, nor am I Brie. Lord Lulz is not Thomas Meyers. It makes no difference who I am or who I am not. I sat in Synthia’s group, just as I sat in yours, Rick. The two of you are both the most eccentric and colorful personalities of the paranormal world. If I were inclined to, I could make it my mission to find out who everybody is. Why would I want to concern myself with that? Who cares. That IS stalking. I am no stalker. I am a critic and comedian. I am here to report on the funny things that Rick does but never cross the line into defamation as Rick is also fond of doing to others.

Lulz and I obviously came back for different reasons. I did not come back to compete with AOTN.com, or to fight with anyone over there. In fact, I felt bad about having to choose a name so close to their name. Our first choice was Lord Rick.blogspot but that was taken. Truth be known, I did return in part because of that now infamous nowlive.com show in which Rick did libel two innocent people and after seeing how quickly he believes anything he is told and reacts in such a manner without any solid proof, I question just what type of investigator this man could be. How reliable could his research be after all, if he is so sloppy and careless. His #39 theory would never hold up in a court of law. When you make an accusation like that, especially on a venue such as now live, you need to have all your ducks in a row with irrefutable proof or else, otherwise this can come back to haunt you and your Now Live host like a late night snack. Only difference between you and Now Live is, they have the millions to shell out for restitution and you don’t. We all know what happens to the people who default on court judgments. Courts are never kind to the poor.

There is also a part of me that feels badly for Rick. What a life he must have with people he confides in, simply pretending to be his friend, only to laugh behind his back. Regardless of what Rick thinks about me or Lord Lulz, at least he can count on us to give him an honest opinion. Right Rick? Don’t you always claim that your “honesty” is too much for some people to handle? The same is true of my honesty. Look how he reacted to it. He went on a search and destroy mission. Problem here is, innocent people were hurt in the crossfire. Even Rick said that he wasn’t sure who we were but Mike supposedly figured out this mystery and Rick went full steam ahead with his wild accusations. Lord Lulz seems to think that Jayman was the “anonymous” informant. Makes no difference to me who said what. The outcome is still the same.

Yes Rick, the Wisemen Legion is growing and multiplying. Two websites and no shortage of material. You are truly a class act.

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