Wednesday, February 18, 2009

When Losers Attack!

What a bunch of losers! For those of you keeping score, Mike Bitchital has posted once and anonymous posted umpteen fucking times. Who is anonymous anyway? I'll tell you who! He's a coward who knows he's full of shit and afraid we'll find out if he posts his real name.

Mike, give it up. We both know you can't do shit. You don't even use your real name. If your "attorney" works for anything at all, it's not probono. It's pro-boner. If you really had a lawyer he would chewing you out for coming on here and demolishing what little case he may have had in your little fantasy world. Imitating Rick is not going to get you anywhere.

Rick, your threats have never meant anything before. What makes you think they mean anything now. You're a nothing irritation. Somehow, you have managed to make a big stink and that is why I feel you worthy of my attention. Nothing more. So go ahead and curse me with death row inmates or whatever it is you do.


  1. Seriously. Is this how you guys plan to overtake the other hate site? Is this the best you can do?

  2. Id be careful about calling anon a coward. Id be careful calling anon anything

  3. What is cowardly is blocking anon posts.

  4. How could we have blocked anonymous posts when you have just posted anonymously???? *scratches head*

  5. Ohhhh...what are going to do? Call the ANON police? Your Pro-Boner Attorney? I'm really scared now! No please, stop! HELP!!! A BUTTHURT REJECT WHO THINKS HE'S A GOD IS POSTING AS ANON!
