Friday, February 6, 2009

Guess What?

Guess what, Lord Rick!

Lord Lulz is back and ready to deal supreme butthurt. Since Lord Rick has decided to spit in my face instead of accepting my constant peace offerings, war is on. There will be no more offerings of peace or goodwill. I also will accept no peace offerings from Lord Rick from here on out.

Guess what, Jayman!

No good deed goes unpunished. Judge Phantom and I set up a blog site, invited you, Odd Emperor and Roadwolf, only to have you write Rick and telling him who you think we are, kicking us out of the site and basically taking it over. Good move, Jayman. The Angelofthynight website that resulted from your treason is now a crap site that just focuses on getting into pissing contests with Rick and satire takes a back burner. Odd and Roadwolf, you are more than welcome to join us. Jayman, keep your obsession to yourself. Nobody gives a shit.

Guess what, Mike Dijital!

You may think you’re sitting pretty as a fellow Wise Guy, but you have some awful ass strut marks from straddling the fence for all those years. You stick up for Rick in public, and then laugh and joke with us in private, and then when Rick turns on you, you were a Rick hater all along. Pathetic. It’s going to take a lot more than a change of allegiance to convince me that you’re nothing more than a Geetar Hero just looking for publicity.

Guess what,!

Until Jayman gets booted, you are going to be the number two victim of bootinrectum syndrome. Nothing against Odd, Roadwolf, King Basher or any of the others (Mike, no offense but you remind me of another guitar player I know). Jay, it isn’t personal…well maybe a little personal. Ah, fuck it, this is a one man crusade against Jayman.

Hey, guess what, guys!

I got kind of kicked out of the circle, and I’m pissed. Judge Phantom and I set up and now look. Jayman usurped and fucked the whole thing up. I’m not letting that go. Judge and I worked hard on that site. Roadwolf may have bought the domain, but we set the blog up and invited everyone else. Remember who got all of those visitors. Jayman, we plan on taking all of your traffic away, just like we did to Lord Wreck. That was us, not you. You couldn’t do shit before. Jay, I don’t see any creative writing from you. You only did it to boost your Nowlive ratings. Roadwolf and Odd, if you don’t believe us, take a look at the posts. Is Jayman promoting his radio show? Was he doing it after he kicked me and Judge out? Was he doing it before? He removed the link to Rick’s radio show and put his own up. Are you happy just giving Jayman the reigns? We allowed equal decision making. Does Jayman?

Lord Mulletor, prepare to have my size eleven lodged in your rad tattooed ass. Jayman, I’m getting out the big guns for you. Mike, quit bothering me and go eat your cereal.

The one and only,

Lord Lulz